Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bluebonnet Pictures Take 1

This picture is why we don't have many of both the kids together. It just wasn't happening. We did get some okay ones of Makena and Marshall by themselves. Hopefully, we will have time to try again this weekend before the bluebonnets go away.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Morning

We spent Easter out in Dripping Springs with Grandma and Mark. Makena graduated to the big kid egg hunt and did okay with a little help from Dad.

McKenna Children's Museum

On Good Friday we headed to New Braunfels to visit the McKenna Children's Museum. Makena loves "Moo-seums" and was excited about going to the one that shares the same name as her. Her favorite part had to be painting an old VW bug.

Cedar Park Egg Hunt

This was Makena's last official year in the 0-3 age group at the Cedar Park Egg Hunt. She will be moving on up next year. Hopefully by then she will understand that you have to go get the eggs. She can't understand why no one stops and watches her get the eggs.

Bunny Breakfast

We were lucky enough to get tickets to the Nordstrom's Bunny Breakfast this year. We got both kids dressed in their Easter finest and had breakfast with the Easter bunny and got to do some kid friendly activities in the store. Makena wouldn't sit in his lap and still wanted Mom nearby for the picture, but she did give him a High Five. Marshall just wanted to grab the Bunny.

Growing Up

A couple of weeks ago Marshall graduated to sitting in the big shopping cart with Makena. He LOVED it. The downside was it took me 15 minutes to "sanitize" the cart before I put him in it. He puts everything in his mouth and I wouldn't take any chances. The other customers in HEB thought I was crazy taking pictures of my kids in a shopping cart, but what can I say, it was a big day for us.